Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Did you remember to wear your green today?  Hope your celebrations are great!  The school near us was named for an Irish settler and the kids always have a parade past our apartment building and around uptown and back to the school.  Will try to show photos of that another day.


  1. Apart from the small Irish community, no one does Saint Patrick's here!

  2. I like to see how it's celebrated in USA! here, it's only a day to drink beer in some irish pubs..

  3. Elegant picture! AND the reflections in the window!! :)) We don't celebrate that day here.. but I hope your day was nice! :)

  4. This is a neat photo, Paulie! I like the way the reflection blends with the window display a lot!

  5. Love the effect with the reflections in this photo. And yes, I'm wearing green - green leopard print jeans and green fleece!

  6. They sure did decortae that window for the day and I like the reflections, too. I see from the previous post that you got more than a light dusting of snow.
    We did get a nice sunny day but no parade in Lincoln. We spent the day doing al manner of outside chores for the rain is due to return tomorrow and stay a while.
