Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hundreds of birds overhead . . .

I was walking along in the snow and heard a great noise above me. Looking up, there were probably hundreds of birds flying in all directions very fast.  This is the best I could do to capture part of the group. . .
CLICK on photo to enlarge. I had no opportunity to get a close up because they kept changing directions.


  1. We also have that kind of "s"birds meeting here, at the end of autumn, and beginning of spring . We're on the migrations' roads.It's very hard to picture them!

  2. wow, a lot of birds there! lucky you to catch this moment and take a photo!

  3. I've seen similar sights this year right here in Southern California and I don't recall ever seeing such things before ... though perhaps I wasn't paying attention.
    Hugs and blessings,
    Sacred Ruminations

  4. Did they establish a pattern at all? Amazing number of birds, Paulie.

  5. What do you think they were? Neat picture, good catch.

  6. They look like geese. We have quite a few visiting from Canada each winter (and some stay year round).

  7. So MANY of them!! Maybe they fly away because the snow to come?? It's very difficult to get a close up when they fly so fast and change directions all the time. I enlarged the photo :) Love it!

  8. Wow...I am so surprised that the camera was able to capture them in pretty!

  9. Isn't it amazing how they keep changing directions as a unit? (I'm really catching up here.)
