Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My gift to me Tuesday . . . just because. . .

This is a traveling blanket -- take it with you wherever you go.  It will be great for the summer concerts at the park when I sit on the lawn.  It even has a pocket that clloses with velcro.

This is it as I opened it up.
Opened up wide. . .

Lined with flannel!

Almost covers my bed!  I am going to love this little luxury!  The only negative thing about it is that it is not machine washable.


  1. What a great thing! very good idea,and very practical! will you take it when you go for camping with katney?It seems very comfortable!

  2. That is a neat gift. I keep a blanket in my car for picnics, etc.
    You might be able to do the dryel cleaning in the dryer. That is how I clean the throws we have that aren't washable. I just toss a dryel sheet in the bag that comes with the kit, put in the item to be cleaned, zip it up and dry it for 20 minutes.
    I know you're looking forward to using this blanket.
    Mama Bear

  3. Enjoy it! I have one that stays in my car year round. You just never know. And when you want to pull over and enjoy the view for a few, you might as well be comfy!

  4. You will be picnicing in comfort, Paulie. A nice splurge!

  5. That's exactly what I need...thanks for the idea, Paulie!

  6. What a neat blanket. I think we all need to gift ourselves once in a while if possible.
