Monday, November 22, 2010

Yes, it really is the white stuff!!!!!!!!

This is the  way it looked when it snowed on Sunday afternoon. . . just a dusting to remind us winter is coming!

Having problems with uploading photos so come back later -- maybe even tomorrow to see more.  Meanwhile, I'll be out there playing in the snow.


  1. I like how it has stuck to the leaf but has melted around it. :)

  2. Paulie..! You have got NO TIME to stay here on the machine, when you're having SNOW!!!!! ;) Just stay our and play, and show us your fantastic photos later..! :)

  3. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeh! Paulie, this is a piddling amount, but I know you're excited. I think I'm going to have to ship you some...

  4. The first white powder, like a small gift from winter, to say that it will soon arrive and that you still have to be patient..:)

  5. Lovely photo! I want to wish you a lovely Thanksgiving! :) We don't celebrate it here..

  6. A wonderful photos. I hope the camera situation sorts itself.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
