Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Another rainy day in Vancouver. . .

This tree always blossoms so late in summer and is such a welcoming sight when many of the other blossoms have disappeared for the cooler weather.


  1. I like the contrast betwween the faril little flowers and the strong leaves behind..we had a strong storm last night here. the first of fall..

  2. That looks so refreshing. Can't wait the heat to go away.

  3. It's good to have trees blooming when the other blossoms have disappeared. Lovely blossoms! :)

  4. The rain and the water drops suited these flowers very well. Come visiting and I'll show you the sun :-)

  5. So beautiful, especially with the raindrops on the leaves!

  6. I wouldn't exactly say that I like rain that much especially when it comes several days in a row and is really coming down. However, we've not had all that much this summer. Our grass is very dry right now so we really need rain. So, send it on down.
    Blogger hasn't told me my photo quota has been met. I just thought I'd start a new blog called Bears at Home.
    Mama Bear
